Weather-wise, this was the best day yet. Sunny, somewhere in the 80s and then later a cool breeze that made the day even better.
Up early (for vacation, anyway) and off to buy water, return a movie, then stopped in Cadillac Mountain Sports then over to Eagle Lake Loop and Trail. We headed south down the West Carriage road then detoured up over Conner’s Nubble for fantastic views and back down to the carriage road then over a short stretch of the Jordan Pond Carry Trail back to Eagle Lake Trail -- which considering the state of the trail, the number of bugs and the sheer irritation of it all I wish we hadn’t, but it wasn’t too long until we came back out to the carriage road.

It was a beautiful walk back around the lake via the carriage road, breezy and sunny and the lake certainly is gorgeous. Lots of bikers on the path. Back to the cabin early for soup, decided to call it a day - everybody is pooped! 5.4 miles, 3.25 hours.